AUA Instructors: Josie and Madi
At Abilities Unlimited Australia (AUA), four physical activity and sport-based programs are offered to children with additional needs. The programs including; Cyclabilities, Shredabilities, Girls Movement, and Waterabilities. Within each of the programs, there are staff with wonderful skill sets, desires to provide life changing opportunities for children with additional needs, and all-round good-hearted people. We have young and old, and lots in between. One key commonality among all staff is their passion and drive to make children smile and provide them a space to be whoever they want to be, whilst benefiting from the freedoms that sport and recreation provides. Driving wonderful moments in a little one’s life that they; and likewise their families will remember and benefit from for the rest of their lives. A truly special environment to be in!
You don’t have to look far to see the joy on the faces of AUA staff members, whether it be as a result of children achieving big steps or small ones. Every moment of progression for each child is equally important, yet vastly different in their own ways. Although we work closely with children of different ages, needs, interests, and capabilities, one similarity is evident. That is, the positive effect they have on us as people, though immense pleasure, happiness, and pride. Moreover, they inspire us, encourage us to be better people by not giving up, and by showing that no matter what is thrown at us (metaphorically speaking of course), we should always smile - what an amazing outlook to have!
Last week, I reached out to Josie and Madi; two of our key and long serving staff members. In reaching out to Josie and Madi, I asked them what it meant to be an AUA instructor and also to share some of their most memorable moments.
It wasn’t a surprise to me that relationship building with families and children was a consistent sentiment for Madi and Josie. The personal connections that are made within our programs are critical, and also, a reflection of the programs we run and what we want them to be – welcoming and supportive!
In reflecting on key memories, both Josie and Madi outlined similar recollections of two different children navigating their way through a lack of confidence, the inability to ride a bike with pedals on, and feelings of anxiousness, to then riding independently and being able to go on bike rides with their families. In expressing their happiness, both children shared with joy how excited they were to now be able to ride their bike with their families.
So what does it mean to be an AUA instructor? It means the world. It means providing support and opportunities for children to flourish, to learn, to make mistakes, and to grow.
In leaving you all with some final reflections, outlined below are two quotes which summarises what it means to be an AUA instructor :)
“I’ll never forget the look of pure happiness that was on her face while she told me that”
“Celebrating all achievements, whether it is 1 step, or 10 steps, to mastering a skill is just so exciting and rewarding to witness”.